Having a Ministry

As you know, the ministry Alicia’s Word came about because of a desire God placed on my heart.

Having a ministry, in any form, was never among my ambitions. In fact, I am not very eager to record myself or to be seen by others.


Through an experience I had at church, where someone literally lost their life due to passiveness, I have developed a strong desire to do what He asks of me. However, I sometimes find it challenging to persevere. Not because He doesn’t give me the strength, but because I sometimes look at my circumstances with my natural eyes.

Having AND maintaining the ministry requires a lot of time and commitment on my part and I don’t always see, with my natural eyes, the results I would like to see. And by that I do refer to the number of views of my videos or the number of visitors to my website.

Not to mention the financial picture….


As I mentioned, my content does not always receive many views. But what Papa always makes clear to me is that the message I share is not necessarily for the masses, but for 1 specific person. With that, I am always reminded of the story Jesus told about the shepherd with 100 sheep of which 1 sheep was lost. That one sheep was so important to the shepherd that he left the 99 behind to get the one sheep back. Luke 15:3-7

I believe this is what Papa God is doing through me, and many others. He is bringing back all His lost sheep, 1 at a time. Per sheep brought back, Papa rejoices so much, He is bringing all His children back to Him. This knowledge makes it easier for me to persevere. It is an honor to be a vessel through which He works and an honor that I get to have whatever role in this!

Also, Papa uses my ministry to minister to my family.

My family is my biggest fan.

They support me through everything.

Everyone has a small role in the ministry.

My eldest son Noah who is my biggest fan on social media for sure. He watches every video and makes it his priority to like the content. When the opportunity arises he creates content for social media; he creates beautiful images with quotes.

My youngest son Joshua who always hangs onto my every word when I record content and loves to spark conversation with me on the topic.

My husband Kevin helps me with editing my videos, maintaining my website and posting my blogs, among other things.

And of course Chanel also plays a big part in the ministry by creating shorts for me to share on social media channels.

It is so rewarding that I have a team standing behind Alicia’s Word.

Has Papa put a ministry on your heart to build up the Kingdom? (This can be in different forms). Let me emphasize to you that it is not always easy, but it is ALWAYS rewarding.



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