Do you know that feeling of being exhausted?
I am not talking about being physically exhausted, but I am referring to being mentally exhausted.
Currently, I am mentally fatigued.
And no, I haven’t lost my joie de vivre!
I just made some unwise choices recently. These unwise choices I have made all by myself; without consulting Papa.
I have chosen to start projects and take on tasks without consulting Papa first. And in starting these projects/tasks, I did not seek Papa’s help either.
I acted entirely on my own. All these tasks have also cost me far too much energy for this reason. This is really due to acting on my own and not checking whether what I am doing is really His will.

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In the past, I would have thought that Papa would have been angry with me now and that I was no longer allowed to rest in His arms. I would be convinced that Papa no longer loves me, that I am no longer His daughter.
I praise Jesus because thanks to His ultimate sacrifice, I know that I have Papa’s grace and that Papa still loves me despite my unnecessary choices!
I am not lost, but still loved!
Therefore, also know: Even though you make mistakes, Papa still loves you! Just repent and then move on!

Psalm 46:10 Be still, and know that I am God.

Psalm 46-10
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